
How to train your Cocker Spaniel to walk off-leash in the countryside?

There’s something incredibly rewarding about seeing your dog run free, sniffing the air and exploring the great outdoors. But, it can be a nerve-wracking experience[…]

What are the best enrichment toys for your pet rescue parrot?

Whether you’ve recently adopted a rescue parrot or have been a long-time bird parent, you understand the importance of providing the best care for your[…]

What breeding programs are UK zoos implementing for the critically endangered corncrake?

In the heart of the United Kingdom, a noteworthy act of conservation is taking place. The Corncrake or Crex crex, a bird species native to[…]

What are the best practices for UK birdwatchers to avoid disturbing rare species during nesting season?

Birdwatching, or birding, is a popular hobby for many nature enthusiasts. However, a degree of responsibility is required when we find ourselves sharing space with[…]

Which UK native plants are most attractive to local pollinators?

When considering how to encourage pollinators like bees, butterflies, and bumblebees to visit your garden, the species of plants you choose to grow matters immensely.[…]

What specific steps are being taken to monitor the health of UK urban fox populations?

The health and wellbeing of urban fox populations are a prime focus for many UK organisations and scholars working in animal welfare and urban ecology.[…]

How do you recognize and treat early stages of cataracts in a Boston Terrier?

As a pet owner, the health of your furry friends is a top priority. Your Boston Terriers, like all dogs, are susceptible to various health[…]

How can you ensure the proper care and maintenance of a cat’s whiskers for their sensory health?

As pet parents, we’re all aware of the importance of providing suitable food, fresh water, and a loving environment for our cats. However, one aspect[…]

What are the most suitable play activities for a high-energy breed like the Belgian Tervuren?

Belgian Tervurens, commonly known as "Tervs," are among the four Belgian herding breeds that are internationally recognized. They are renowned for their high energy, intelligence,[…]

What are the most effective ways to manage fur shedding in long-haired cat breeds?

If you’re the proud owners of a long-haired cat breed, you’re no stranger to the bountiful fluff that seems to accumulate on every surface of[…]